Without Mothers...

Created by END2008
Without mothers we wouldn't have high school sports.

We, at WisPreps, have grown up with sports.

All of us have mother stories in relation to sports.

One of us vividly remembers looking up in the stands during a cold, rainy, windy, October Friday night and seeing our mother watching our game.  She didn't have to be there.  Mothers aren't obligated to attend sporting events, but they do.  To this day the vision of our mother sitting in the stands on a cold Friday night stands out as the epitome of being committed to high school sports. Did she want to be there, absolutely, but probably not in those conditions.  Another member of WisPreps appreciated their mothers ALWAYS being at every game...three sports...three seasons...four years.  Never missing a game. As a student, athlete, employee, or employer there will be a ton of conditions and times that will be faced that won't be ideal.  Be there because you are committed. Be there because it's the right thing to do. Just as mom did.

Another one of us remembers mom always making a meal and having it hot and ready when entering the house after practice.  We aren't certain if a mom is born with the trait of "all the food hot and ready at the same time" or if they learned it from their mom, but it's something we truly appreciate about mothers!

One other member of the WisPreps team remembers appreciating all of the wash that their mom completed.  Think about that! Uniforms, practice clothes, towels, water bottles, dishes...and none of that smelled or looked great. And yet, moms washed because they loved their sons/daughters.

Coach K said it best...be as tough as your mother! I never saw her tired. I woke up and she was there. She's never tired...or she never showed it.

Thank you, moms, for making Wisconsin high school sports a possibility and reality!

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