Community Support: Gehm's 117 - Bonduel, Wisconsin

Jesse and Russ Gehm of Gehm's 117 in Bonduel is a huge supporter of youth and high school sports.  It's evident by the "Home of the Bears" sign that hangs over head.

A great feature of Gehm's 117 is the "Two Buck Burger" special on Thursdays.  This would be a great time to eat a burger before or after the game.  In addition, the "chicken strips" are a meal loved by all, but especially children!  In town for a Friday night game? Plan ahead as the busiest night of the week is a great "Friday Night Fish Fry".

We at WisPreps know that every single high school sports program in any Wisconsin community has asked businesses for financial assistance at least once.  Gehm's 117 is always giving back to the community.  As Jesse Gehm noted, "It's an investment in the kids."  She continued, "We try to give to many things as it's everyone supporting everyone."
"It's an investment in the kids."
An example of supporting each other, Jesse and Russ have organized different volunteer groups to "pack twelve items into 'backpack blessings'" each Thursday/Friday.  Eighty-seven kids in the Bonduel, Wisconsin area receive a food supply on Friday so they don't go hungry over the weekend.  Jesse continued, "It's an investment in our community."

The next time you are in Bonduel, consider grabbing yourself a great Wisconsin tavern meal.  You won't leave hungry, and you won't leave a stranger.  You'll also be supporting a local business that supports a local high school and local kids! 


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